Bundle: Lucky Lawn Spring (7,500 s.f.)


Essential Building Blocks For A Lush, Green & Healthy Lawn

Products Included:

  • 2 Bags (2.5 lb + 5 lb) – Microclover: This grass seed is ideal for a sustainable, low-maintenance lawn. Clover organically fertilizes itself by pulling nitrogen from the air, resulting in a beautiful green lawn with very little watering needed in the heat of Summer. This tiny clover spreads densely and evenly, deterring weed growth and creating a soft, yet highly durable surface for high traffic areas.
  • 3 Bags – Healthy Lawn Organic Fertilizer (Spring + Summer): A granular lawn food that provides slow-release nutrients to strengthen your grass.

    Application Schedule:

    1. Early March: Microclover (Apply 2 Bags)
    2. May: Healthy Lawn Spring + Summer (Apply 3 Bags)
    Product Details

    Microclover: Grass Seed

    • 1 Bag (2.5 lb): Covers up to 2,500 square feet
    • 1 Bag (5 lb): Covers up to 5,000 square feet

    Healthy Lawn (Spring + Summer): Granular

    • 1 Bag (25 lb): Covers up to 2,500 square feet


    • Microclover Grass Seed (Trifolium Repens)

    Healthy Lawn Organic Fertilizer (Spring + Summer)

    • Water Soluble Nitrogen (From Corn Gluten Meal & Soybean Meal)
    • Soluble Potash (From Lysine-Soybeans & Natural Sulfate of Potash)

    Microclover Grass Seed

    1. Early Spring: Broadcast Seed at 1-2 lbs / 1,000 s.f. (2-3 weeks before first mowing)
    2. Other Times: Mow lawn to 1.5 inches and Broadcast Seed at 1-2 lbs / 1,000 s.f. (water daily for 2 weeks).
    3. Watering: Less frequent after establishment.
    4. Mowing: Mow to maintain 2-4 inch height.
    5. Fertilizing: Clover Lawn Program Spring & Fall Treatments.

    Healthy Lawn Organic Fertilizer (Spring + Summer)

    1. Determine Lawn Area: (findlotsize.com).
    2. Calculate Product Amount Needed: Use equation (square feet x .005 = pounds needed).
    3. Assess Lawn Condition: For poor quality lawns, use twice as much product.
    4. Choose Equipment: For best application use a broadcast spreader, rather than a drop spreader
    5. Set Spreader: Choose the middle range setting (adjust if needed).
    6. Treat Lawn: Apply product in perpendicular passes until the correct total amount of product for the size of your yard has been put down.
    • Precautions: Store product safely. Keep out of reach of children.